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Cancellation and Rescheduling

Due to the seasonal nature of the work performed by Atlantis Exteriors we require a minimum of 24-hour notice for cancellation of services that are scheduled to be a day of work or less.


It cost us dearly when potential customers decide within 24 hours to cancel a service. With this in mind we have, unfortunately, had to implement a $45 cancellation charge if a service is cancelled within 24 hours of the job scheduled to start. This does not help us profit, it only helps us cover rising gas costs and opportunity loss. This policy also helps us not raise costs for new and returning customers.

If the customer is rescheduling there is no charge, and no charge for rescheduling based on the weather. Customers can not reschedule for later than 24 hours just to cancel or reschedule indefinitely. 

If the scheduled and the confirmed job is longer than one day, there is a $150 per day cancellation charge for these larger jobs. These larger jobs (2 or more days) require more preparation and therefore require a minimum of 48 hours of cancellation notice.

Thank you for understanding, as this cost small businesses such as Atlantis Exteriors dearly having work booked just to be cancelled on short notice.

 For any questions or concerns please contact Jordan at 289-440-3100.

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