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Aeration in The Greater Hamilton Area

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Atlantis Exteriors' Service Area

Welcome to Atlantis Exteriors' aeration service! We understand the importance of maintaining a healthy lawn and that's why we offer a professional and effective aeration service that helps to improve the overall health of your lawn. Aeration is the process of removing small plugs of soil from your lawn, which allows for better water and nutrient absorption, stronger root growth, and less competition among the grass and other plants. Our team of experts use the latest equipment and techniques to ensure that your lawn receives the best aeration possible. Contact us today to schedule your no obligation quote and see the difference aeration can make on your lawn's health and appearance.

Benifits of a Spring Aeration in the Hamilton Area


Aeration Improves Soil Health

Aeration helps to reduce soil compaction by removing small plugs of soil, allowing for better water, air, and nutrient penetration. This leads to a healthier lawn and better root growth.


Aeration Promotes better Root Growth

By reducing soil compaction and increasing water and nutrient absorption, aeration helps to encourage root growth. This, in turn, leads to a healthier lawn and better overall plant health.


Aeration Enhances the Effectiveness of Fertilizers

By creating small holes in the soil, aeration allows fertilizers to reach deeper into the ground, where they can be more effectively absorbed by the roots. This helps to maximize the benefits of fertilization and improve the overall health of your lawn.


Aeration Increases Water and Nutrient Absorption

Aeration creates small holes in the soil that allow water, air, and nutrients to penetrate deeper into the ground. This helps the roots to grow stronger and healthier.


Aeration Reduces Lawn Stress

A lawn that is suffering from soil compaction, poor water and nutrient absorption, and poor root growth is more susceptible to stress, disease, and pests. Aeration can help to reduce this stress and keep your lawn healthy.


Aeration Improves the Apperance of the Lawn

A healthy lawn that has been aerated will have a thicker, greener, and more lush appearance. It will also be less prone to disease and pests, which can cause bare spots and other unsightly problems.

Overall, aeration is a valuable springtime task that can help to keep your lawn healthy, beautiful, and thriving. Atlantis Exteriors does aeration in the Hamilton and surrounding area. Feel free to give us a call since we can normally give you a quote over the phone at 289-440-3100

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